Hand History Full Tilt Poker

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Dermot Blain is among the three Tour Ambassadors still fighting on Day 2 of the Full Tilt Poker Montreal Main Event. Martins Adeniya and Sin Melin are both working towards Day 3 as well. During the last break, Blain was kind enough to step aside with us to talk about his role as a representative of the site, go through a hand history, and talk about his kinship with his fellow ambassadors.

Feb 25, 2021 However, his single biggest pot on Full Tilt remains a No Limit Hold’em hand against fellow legend of the online poker tables, Viktor ‘Isildur1’ Blom, although it was a session that. Hand History Download; Poker Sites. 888 Absolute Poker Entraction Full Tilt Poker IGT Poker iPoker Merge Network Ongame PartyPoker Pokerstars Ultimate Bet. Hand History Download. Show 1 to 13 (of in total 13 products) Sites: 1: Pokerstars Hand Histories. From only $5.00 per month. 4 customer reviews. Full Tilt Poker initially opened as an online poker card room with the involvement of poker professionals Howard Lederer, Phil Ivey, Andy Bloch, Mike Matusow, Jennifer Harman and Chris Ferguson. Full Tilt Poker was launched by parent company TiltWare, LLC in June 2004 and began full operation on July 10, 2004. Import Poker Hand, Session or Tournament History: Copy and paste your hand history from your favorite online poker site below (English, German, French, Russian, and Italian hand histories compatible). Our replayer will automatically convert your text into an interactive flash player that you can place on any website or forum (view an example.

PokerNews: We’re on the first break now and you have a bit above the average stack. You were just talking about a hand where you three-bet and flopped top pair, but lost a chunk of your stack. Can you take us through it?

Blain: I wasn’t at the table long, hadn’t played many hands, and had a relatively tight image. The player who opened was relatively tight, but he’s still going to be opening up wide enough in the cutoff, so I think it’s a decent spot for a steal. I had , and I three-bet on the button. He called. The flop came like rainbow, and against a guy like this I think I have him drawing to two outs most of the time — nines, tens, that sort of hand — or he has me beat. So I decide to check it back, because it’s a disaster if I get check-raised on the flop obviously. The turn was a , he checked again, so I’m obviously betting for value. I bet like 15,000 — half pot — and he called. The river paired the five, which is a really good card for me. I bet 32,000, and he sigh-called. I thought I was good, although he did call pretty quick, and he had .

So it was unfortunate, one of those spots where you want both of us to miss. In those cases, I am going to win the pot most of the time, so I was a little bit unlucky, but that’s poker.

You’ve been at your new table for half of a level or so. How are your opponents?

It’s a real action table. I think we might be moving to the feature table, but I could be wrong. I was going to tweet that it’s me and seven maniac French Canadians, but it should be fun. I think it will be good entertainment. There’s a lot of chips on the table.

What do you think that potential move could do to the action? Do you think it would open it up even more, or do you think people would tighten up, knowing that they’re being watched?

Hand History Full Tilt Poker Rules

Most of the time it tightens people up, but it really depends. With these guys I’m not so sure – they find an ace and a jack and they like to put a lot of money in. So, we’ll see.

While wearing the patch and representing the brand as an ambassador have you seen players gunning for you and your chips?

Yeah, but that’s always been the way with anyone wearing a patch. Players always kind of assume you’re making moves and always doing stuff when a lot of the times you actually have to tone it down a little. When I do have it, I tend to find that I get paid more. So at times they definitely gun for you, but you can adapt to that, which is a good thing.

Is this your first trip to the Playground Poker Club?

Yeah, I love it. I don’t know if anyone has seen the pictures, but it’s an amazing setup. The black really sits well with the Full Tilt logos. People should check the live stream out – the feature table looks amazing.

How is your French?

Oh, terrible [laughs]. My English is a little better, but my French is pretty poor.

You and your fellow ambassadors took a trip to Croatia for a photo shoot, and it seems like you’ve all become really tight. Even when you guys aren’t playing, you’re here hanging out and fraternizing with one another, and it doesn’t seem forced. How has the relationship between you and the other ambassadors grown in the past couple of months?

It’s been really good. I knew Martins [Adeniya] a little, I didn’t know the other two so well. Away from the felt, we were at the Canadian football match yesterday, in Galway we had the races, we did some hockey – God forbid I bust the tournament I’m thinking about going to the ice hockey game on Tuesday. We generally go as a group for a bit of banter. I love my life, but sometimes traveling it can get a little bit lonely bouncing from hotel to hotel and airport to airport, so it’s nice to have people to hang out with and chill a little.

You called your signing with Full Tilt “surreal” when it happened. Do you still feel that way?

Yeah. You’re always asked to be doing interviews, and I’m not the best guy to interview, but I enjoying doing it. People come up to you and congratulate you, and like I’ve set in past interviews I always used to click in and watch the nosebleeds – I still do. To actually represent Full Tilt is a great feeling.

Where are you off to after this?

I’m flying straight to London. If I get knocked out I might head out tomorrow evening – hopefully I won’t be doing that. If I don’t make it for the UKIPT, then I’ll be playing the EPT.

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    Full Tilt

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One of the most iconic — and perhaps most infamous — brands in poker will become a thing of the past on Feb. 25.

That's the reported date on which PokerStars will shelve Full Tilt Poker, its former arch rival, for good. The news was first released by Pokerfuse and is confirmed by a FAQ page on PokerStars' website detailing some of the minutiae of the move for its remaining FTP players.

Those players will essentially just be migrating over to the main skin of the network, so there won't be much meaningful change in their playing experience.

'Our commitment to improving PokerStars software and the PokerStars customer experience in recent years has limited the amount of focus and resources we could apply to the evolution of Full Tilt,' the company stated. 'We feel it is time to consolidate brands so that everyone has access to the newest features and most innovative games which are available exclusively on PokerStars.'

A Rich History...

Full Tilt Poker was not one of the early sites to market, dealing its first virtual cards in 2004.

However, co-founder Ray Bitar teamed up with some of the biggest names in the industry. The likes of Phil Ivey, Howard Lederer, Chris Ferguson and Mike Matusow were behind the brand, and their celebrity, combined with an aggressive marketing push, led to huge success for the site.

Hand History Full Tilt Poker Login Page

'Learn, chat and play with the pros.'

That ubiquitous slogan, along with the trademark black and white commercials creatively utilizing the site's immense roster of sponsored pros, beckoned countless thousands of players to give Full Tilt a try. The brand became a world leader, trailing only PokerStars in a raw numbers.

But where PokerStars laid claim to the biggest quantity, Full Tilt could credibly claim to house the best quality of poker in the world.

The highest stakes games in the world usually ran there, including monstrous and legendary games as high as $500/$1,000 blinds on the famed Rail Heaven table. Patrik Antonius, Viktor Blom, Hac and Di Dang, Gus Hansen, Ivey and more made Rail Heaven their favored battleground, which in turn made it the greatest place for fans to watch six-figure pots trading hands on the regular.

Correspondingly large pot-limit Omaha tables eventually produced the biggest pots in online poker history.

Full Tilt Poker Download

The software, too, was almost as celebrated as the quality of the games. Colorful avatars and lively animations made for an entertaining experience for the casual player. A fun MTT schedule gave tournament grinders tons of options at every price point and let players aspire to one day earn a custom avatar by virtue of winning a Full Tilt Online Poker Series event.

Considered industry leaders in many respects, the FTP team birthed innovations like fast-fold poker — now a mainstay almost everywhere — and rolled out creative ideas like Irish poker that were later adapted in some fashion by PokerStars.

It all made for a high-quality and incredibly popular product. And it all came to a crashing halt in 2011.

...But a Marred One, Too

The machinations of Black Friday dealt harsh blows at many levels of the poker industry, with the ripple effects being felt to this day.

However, perhaps the most shocking development in the aftermath was the revelation that Full Tilt's accounts were more than $300 million underwater. The company had $60 million cash on hand but player balances amounted to $390 million, with $150 million of that owed to U.S. players.

After repeated assurances from company reps that players would be paid, the fact of the matter was the company simply didn't have the money to make good on that promise.

Luckily for everyone involved, PokerStars stepped in and acquired Full Tilt's assets, with part of the deal stipulating they'd make the players whole in the process.

Entire books could be written about the ordeal and the fallout thereafter, all of which is to say the whole thing is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say some former FTP brass paid millions in penalties, others became pariahs, friends became enemies and countless poker players everywhere were left with sour tastes in their mouths regarding a once beloved company.

Relaunch and Merger

Full Tilt Poker relaunched in November 2012, but it quickly became a shell of its former self. FTOPS returned, and high-stakes action even got rolling, but the site predictably failed to regain its former glory.

Hand History Full Tilt Poker

As the operator slid in the worldwide rankings, company brass attempted some moves that left many in the industry scratching their heads. Rake was bumped up in many spots, rewards were cut in others, table maxes were changed from six to five players in some games and many high-stakes offerings were removed from the client altogether.

The result?

A dive in traffic as unhappy players left the site. That was in August 2015.

Early the next year, decision-makers at parent company Amaya opted to pull the plug on Full Tilt being a standalone operator, migrating the players into the same pool with PokerStars. What would have once been monumental, industry-shaking news, barely registered as a blip on the poker radar, the surest sign of all that the glory days of Full Tilt were far in the past and never likely to rekindle.

Seemingly Little Chance of Return

After the merger, PokerNews spoke to industry expert Chris Grove to get his take on the functional end of the once-proud brand. He pointed to the decline of the international online poker market as a whole as a big reason for the decision to migrate the players to PokerStars.

'In a world where Full Tilt found a unique niche or footing, or in a world where online poker continued to expand, I think we certainly could have seen the two sites continue on separately,' he said. 'Only when it became clear that Full Tilt wasn't finding that footing did a merger start to seem like a matter of 'when' more than 'if.'

With online poker moving toward a regulated future in the U.S., that meant there could have been buyers interested in acquiring Full Tilt. They'd get to avoid the headache of constructing software from scratch, to say nothing of the brand's name recognition stateside. Grove estimated PokerStars could rake in between $10 million and $50 million with such a move.

Of course, that would require interest by the selling party as well, and that never seemed much of a possibility. Poker Industry PRO reported being told by a company rep the software wasn't for sale ($), and nothing that happened in the intervening years has made that appear to be mere lip service.

The most likely case going forward would appear to be Full Tilt Poker simply collects dust in a virtual PokerStars storage room. In one sense, having your once-chief rival neatly tucked away on some backup storage drive is the ultimate power move.

In another, though, it's the most sad, meek ending imaginable to a company that took the poker world by storm more than 15 years ago.

Full Tilt Poker

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