Colin And Chris Weir

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This message is for Colin & Chris Weir.

  1. Chris Weir Facebook

I know the people at the lottery and your own friends will have tried their hardest to ensure that you dont help anyone that approaches you for help and Im sure I will fall into that category – thats even if you do see this.

As with all the other messages you have received asking for help, Im in desperate straights. Infact, I used the last of what little cash i did have left to give to you in the way of a couple of lines on the Euro!

Biography of Chris and Colin Weir. A plethora of EuroMillions jackpot winners decide to remain anonymous after winning such a huge amount of money and the Weirs certainly debated doing the same, but sharing their financial blessings with others would be hard to accomplish if no one knew where their funding was coming from. Colin and Chris Weir, who won £161m in the lottery, have donated £3.5m so far to the pro-independence campaign Yes Scotland. Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA. A statement issued in April on behalf of Colin and Christine, from Largs, Ayreshire, said: 'It is with deep regret that Chris and Colin Weir confirm they have been living apart for some time.

I know full well that all the advice you will have had will be to let people like me rot but I want you to know one thing – If the roles were reversed and I saw this message from you – I would help you in a heartbeat and without hesitation. I am not going to bore you with all the reasons why I need help and the associated ‘hard luck’ stories. I am sure by now you will have read hundreds, maybe even thousands of similar stories. I am simply going to say that just one days interest for you would sort things out for me and make such a massive difference to my life and those people that rely on me.

So, I have nothing to offer you except gratitude and GENUINE friendship. I am another ship in the night that didnt get the numbers right. You have the power to correct my course and I would be forever in your debt if you would ignore all the “Let them rot” advice people will be giving you and show me just a little compassion.

If the person reading this is a friend of Colin or Chris then of course I would be grateful if you could pass it on to them.

Chris and Colin Weir. Richer than the Beckhams-But not as Attrative.

Im at the end of the road and I need a break. Its an amount you wouldnt even miss but would save me.

My email address is

Chris weir lawson mo

Obviously if you make contact I will give you all the further info you need. I know I will probably get many emails mocking me as this blog goes live, but Im in desperate straights so needs must.

Chris Weir Facebook

Colin & Chris – If you do get to read this, thanks for reading and please help.